Do I need a cuff with my order?
What is a cuff?
Cuff is a generic term for the fitting or mask attachment at the end of the cooling device that you will use to aid your recovery by strapping it up against the affected area. For example, if you are having knee surgery you will need a ‘Knee Cuff’ and if you are having jaw surgery you will need either ‘Lower face mask with link’ or ‘Lower face mask without link.’ You can find a picture of all the masks and cuffs available on the ‘Rent a Device’ section of our website.
Will I need to purchase a cuff with my order?
If you have been told that you will be using a Hilotherm device in hospital after your knee replacement or jaw surgery then they will provide you with a cuff or face mask. These cuffs are single patient use and you will be able to take it home with you as the hospital will not be able to reuse it. This will save you having to purchase a cuff from us after your surgery.
If the hospital you are attending is not planning on using a Hilotherm device you will have to purchase a cuff separately.
We recommend that if you are in any doubt after your jaw surgery or knee surgery then you should buy a cuff. If you return the cuff to us unopened we will refund you for it along with your deposit when we receive your cooling device back at the end of your rental.
In order to ensure that nobody ends up with a cooling device that they then cannot use at home we will ask you to provide us with the hospital and type of procedure you are having at checkout, this helps us to check to see if anybody who may need a cuff has not yet ordered one.
Which cuff should I use?
We recommend the following cuffs for procedures:
Maxillofacial (jaw) surgery – Lower face mask with link
Knee surgery – Knee cuff
Face or neck lift – Lower face mask without link
Blepharoplasty – Open eye cuff
Rhinoplasty – Nose cuff
Breast surgery – Hilobreast cuff
Shoulder surgery – Trapezoidal cuff
Hip surgery – Trapezoidal cuff
Foot surgery – Foot cuff